- The Street Photographs of Roger Mayne
- 1986
- Preface by Mark Haworth–Booth
- British Photographic void of the 1950s
- Southam Street
- 88 Photographs from 1400 Negatives in 27 Visits to the street
'I have nothing further to add to what I said before—but, if I must dot the "i", photography is a purely mechanical process into which the artist does not enter.' Sir Leigh Ashton (1954)
'Photography involves two main distortions—the simplification into black and white, and the seizing of an instant in time. It is this particular mixture of reality and unreality, and the photographer's power to select that makes it possible for photography to be an art. Whether it is good art depends on the power and truth of the artist's statement.' Roger Mayne (1960).
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