Showing posts with label Mixed Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mixed Media. Show all posts

Lecture Notes

  • Estelle Rosenfeld
  • Performing art and visual art mix (exploring the boundaries)
  • Immersive theatre/promenade
  • "not sure where it was going to take me"
  • accumm - installation - repetition
  • any medium presented by slide
  • 'Take the Rose' video
  • Voucher (postcard) directs them to website
  • New project = 'Capture'
  • Questioning themes and the form
  • Photography and moving images
  • Teaser is 1 min, showreel is 6 mins
  • Timelapse app

Photographer: Gareth McConnell 'No Surrender'

These portraits, taken over the Easter Period of 1999, were situated in a Loyalist Bar in my home town of Carrickfergus. It was a place I had only ever glimpsed into as a teenager - through a cracked door or through the security bars of the adjoining off sales. I wanted to create a set of images of the loyalist community which did not adhere to the strict media guidelines of bowler hatted men, apprentice boys, Drumcree rioters and super star terrorists posed against backdrops of Shankill Road murals. I wanted to make photographs with all the dignity and poise of old masters and not to revel in the slogans and iconography so closely associated with the protestant people.

Photographer: Chris Shaw 'Life as a Night Porter'

The thing I like most about the pictures is the large element of what I call the chance meeting, the times I was so tired I lost the artifice and techniques of photography. I just took photographs to keep me awake. It became artless. The people I photographed, these episodes in the social fantastic would heighten and illuminate my whole night, often making a difficult job and my twelve-hour shift bearable. The sum of the book is really a hotel of my own imagination constructed from several hotels I have worked in and some Ive stayed in as a paying guest. In reality these hotels bear little or no resemblance to my actual pictures. It just depends on how you look at things. In my experience heaven and hell are places right here on earth, and you can stay in either one.

Mixed Media 17th October 2011

Must book tutorials early and come with 'stuff' Plagiarism in terms of mixed media has two areas of concern Written must be sourced Practical needs to impose your signature (authorship) Authorship is the opposite of plagiarism! An early prototype needs to accompany the proposal Intervention/take back to source Ambitious Project The mixing can be a theoretical paper and a portfolio Inter-connections between modules are allowed We looked at Karen's Project, elastic band, resin ball, huge print Christian Marclay, music playing cards, snapshot aesthetic, beautifully produced Development discussion on 7th November

Mixed Media - Introduction

  • Think of Mixed Media as a single module
  • Essay can be a photograph & not necessarily writing (piece of work)
  • Research this term - ideas & prototypes
  • Essay next term - doing it - tutorial based
  • Tutorials available 5-7pm
  • Esther Rosenfeld - Artist - how do you define yourself?
  • Critical Journal is a key piece - what, why, how...
  • Deadline 24th April 2012
  • Proforma deadline is 8th December 2011
  • 80/20, 50/50, 20/80
  • 5 min film & 1000 word essay
  • 3 minute film & 2000 word essay
  • Storyboard/sequencing & 4000 word essay
  • Proforma = 500 words
  • Resources - assistant, camera, sound
  • Bibliography
  • Substantial Critical Journal - SOI, all research, prototype (storyboard & seq.)
  • written research, visual research, contextualisation of your position
  • critical reflection
  • Where and how you will do it will be part of the prototype
  • Journal is returned and re-submitted in April
  • Prototype is returned and re-submitted in April
  • Must be ratified
  • What is Mixed Media?
  • Opportunity to undertake practice (practice based research)
  • Can be a photography portfolio (the essay is the mix)
  • Examples - walk & sound track, photography & fell walking
  • Do it and document it, photo or film (evidence it)
  • Co-related mixed media and MPP
  • Tight neat package of assignments - everything is contributing
  • Example - non print publication or a book or a banner (self publish)
  • Magazine?
  • Narrow yet deep!
  • A one minute film takes one day to edit