Analogue Photography & Darkroom Practice

Aims of Module
This module will refine the skills introduced in the Level 1 module: Introduction to Creative Photographic Practice. This module aims to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to be creative, competent and confident in analogue SLR, Medium Format photography and black and white darkroom practice. The module aims to examine the inter-relationships between exposure, film development and print and will enhance both photographic and darkroom skills through, for example, the use of filters, toners, and specialised photographic papers.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, you should be able to:
1. undertake the cogent production of a practical project from conception through to completion;
2. demonstrate significant competence in analogue photography and the procedure of black and white film processing and printing,
3. display a range of research, project management and specific skills appropriate to producing an informed body of work;
4. clearly show in written form critically informed connections between the theoretical and practical bases of analogue photographic production.

 Module Content

The module will examine analogue 35mm and Medium Format photography as well as black and white darkroom techniques. The module will refine further your technical and creative skills in black and white photography and darkroom practice, and will place emphasis on the inter-relationship between exposure, film development and final print quality. The module will facilitate a range of skills including experimentation and image manipulation through filters, toners and photographic papers. As well as 35mm photography and processing, this module will also give you an opportunity to work with medium format cameras and undertake both studio and field photography. 


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